Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Mother's day. Love these girls. Love my Scott. Breakfast in bed. A boxful of little notes. I love my life. I am so spoiled.

Signs of spring everywhere....finally. We found these robin's egg shells on our front lawn the other day. I am taken by the amazing color. I can look at these empty shells all day. My girls are thrilled. We are keeping them in a little glass jar. I am so grateful to see how my girls are growing up with a sense of wonder and curiosity towards nature and world around them. We love walking together and discovering the world around us. I had a wonderful walk the other day while my kids picked dandelion bouquets for me and we sat and laughed at gophers poking their heads out of their little holes. Tori and I took a little bike ride to a garden centre and said 'hello' to some horses on the way.

I love the simplicity of this life. I am learning to take it slow and really savour it.


Carolyn said...

Lovely photos, lovely thoughts, lovely you.

Di said...

What a lovely wake up on Mother's Day! I am really glad that you had a lovely time!